Thursday, April 24, 2008

"trust me i wish i didn't have to walk through this door"

Nobody wants to be here. I figured this out on my 2nd day of training, this is everyone's Plan B or more likely, and in my case...F. I find it pretty funny then that when my key card doesn't work for some reason(divine intervention) someone has a problem letting me in. When I came back form lunch I had to wait a little while for a proper subject to open the door for me. Finally a new guy who had definitely seen me before in the office opens the door as I am hanging up on my coworker who seems to have forgotten how to answer the phone when a fellow monkey needs assistance. The guy opens the door because, well he is leaving for lunch or to do lines of coke...neither would surprise me. I say thanks as I attempt to walk through the door and low and behold he asks me where my key card is? As if this is place needs top notch security since people seem to be banging down the doors trying to work here...if only they could take care of that somehow I'd feel much safer. Fortunately for my time card's sake I was able to finagle my way past him in a hurry with such advanced trickery as showing him my wallet and describing how the key card was broken...similar to his brain connectivity in the area of giving a f*ck.

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