Thursday, April 24, 2008

sweater vests and t-shirts

It's hard to describe what people wear to work on an average day here. I'm not generally one to talk, I actually consider my khakis and crocs business casual but others take it to a whole new level. This one mid 30's, single, fairly unattractive co-worker literally doesn't know how to dress herself, she owns only one type of clothes: hippie shit. It's as if she literally wakes up every morning and proceeds to dress herself for a big hike in the mountains then realizes she has to be at work in 10 time to change, this will just have to do. I bet it's happened more then once that because of this total absentmindedness her dog must sleep in the car all day while she is at work for the lack of time to drop him back off at the house on her way back from the trail head but oh yea!...gotta go to work. The worst offender though recently was a guy who wore a sweater vest and a plain white tshirt to work. Its as if his thought process was "OK...I just got this brand new sweater vest...definitely wearing that to work today. but what else? well I've already got this sweet tshirt on...slip the vest on does this look? OH SHIT YEA! I am ready to start the day!" slaps on some more hair gel, does a tipsy toe twirl and spins out the door...

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