Thursday, August 14, 2008

"We have no great war, we have no great depression..."

A friend mentioned how he met someone in law school today who nearly died climbing a mountain this weekend that ironically my friend and I were climbing as well. Turns out this guy made a mistake, it was foggy and he fell blind into the abyss. Luckily for him is was a shallow abyss and he came away thoroughly beat up but none the worse for the wear. In fact he was probably more alive in the moment then I have been in years. I cannot remember the last time I nearly shit myself, and hell I've never actually shit myself. I don't think that's because I have stronger then average sphincter's because I live in a world rightfully obsessed with safety where death by anything other then really old age is looked at as a statistic to be tracked, mended and fixed. We have safer cars and planes, more effective and far removed war, guns with safety triggers, lions, tigers, and bears oooh my all tucked away from us in cages or outside our own cage that is society.
I don't fear death, I fear a lifeless life.

Why do people skydive, scale mountains, race motorcycles or step out of the soft and clean womb of our daily lives?
It is the modern mans way of feeling alive in this disney world full of safety.

more later....back to being a monkey

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