Monday, May 5, 2008

I quit my job today

Are you jealous? Thats right fuckers, I walked out...couldnt even make it to the end of the day. At will employment=no 2 week notice necessary.

Instead of focusing on the "now what?" question, I'd like to discuss the "why did you quit?" issue...considering I have an answer for that.

Well actually I have at least ten answers for that.

#1) Poor lead quality: As discussed below. I cant stress enough how fucking ridiculous and frustrating it is to get no actual leads and sort through tons of bullshit old ones, finally get one person actually interested in going to school, and have them tell you they are getting married and want to wait till the fall. Perfectly reasonable or not, that person is an asshole.
#2) Even when I get someone to answer the phone, I'm not always happy about that.... as they are often painstaking to talk to.
#3) I realized today, that the only positive about the job was the possibility of making a lot of money....meaning an unjustifiable amount of money. Well, today I realized that it would realistically take 9 months to get there--meaning, to actually receive that better salary, I'd be looking at having worked at this current miserable situation for at least 2-3 years. Holy fuck. If there is a way to waste my 20's, that would be it.
#4) Micromanaging bosses
#5) Barraging emails from people that worked in either a toy store, or the manufacturing department of Summer's Eve. Basically, these emails were written by children (the ones my kids will beat the shit out of), or real fucking douche bags. 2nd hand douche bags even.
#6) Liars, and the lies they tell. There is only so much listening to my boss break the law and tell a niave, young person that they will make 80-90k as a starting salary. The lack of morality was astounding.
#7) 75k for a nationally accredited online university? And the only financial aid available comes from the federal government? Okay, as some people put it "fully accredited" ... unless of course you wanted to go to graduate school or transfer those credits, in which you would hear "we dont recognize that institution as a school."
#8) This education is good for ... almost nobody. Ever wonder how a school can have a graduation rate of 52% and a retention rate of 26%. Thats George W. Bush math.
#9) If you can't keep your promise about giving me a $10 giftcard for winning a contest, I'm sure as fuck now going to trust your promises about how much damn money I can make.
#10) Existing is no way to go through life.

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