Friday, May 11, 2007

the great difference between men and women

The main difference between men and women is that men look for any reason to justify why they are attracted to a woman. Anything will do, anything at all is acceptable. When I say anything I mean the way she talks, wears her hair(all the variations are just fine), what she wears or doesnt(casual clothes, work clothes, dressed to the nine...doesnt matter). Guys don't even need a reason we just know its there and when asked what it is about a particular new fling any half assed response will do. "her eyes", "her smile" blah, since thats the same answer we hear over and over doesnt it sound like a cop out or atleast prove that there is an enourmous range for which men are attracted to women? We look for anything good to justify why we want to date them and all thier friends. Women just want you to shut up. Women reading this are either laughing while nodding and smiling or in a worthless attempt to prove me wrong are dissagreeing with "but I want an intelligent, strong willed, determined and driven man". No, you want that image because lets face it all men are determined, strong willed and driven. It just depends on what we want. Say the object is to get in your pants, I think we can all agree that a vast majority of healthy males are determined, strong willed and driven for that, assuming you're hott and have an IQ score over 37. And you like that, so shhh. But lets face it the more a guy talks the more he is just setting himself up for failre. Women have nearly a trillion different ways to measure a man, and it only takes one "eh" before that window of opportunity quickly slams shut. Guys on the other hand are quite forgiving and accepting in our pursuit of lets just test the waters and see where this goes.

Its so funny to me, why cant we all just be more accepting of eachother? More sex, more rocking in the free world. I propose a stimulous package of 2009 where the only thing that has to happen is women start acting like guys when it comes to party time. And guys for the sake of not being left out, lower your already unreasonably low standards to "heartbeat?". The only thing worse then a girl playing hard to get is a guy that pretends to find faults in women. Jesus christ my friend, she is alive, breathing on her own and willing, where is the problem? If you somehow manage to find happiness in another human and are in one of those great unions of marriage, relationships or some interesting situation involving a dependent drug whore then by all means continue life as normal, you've figured out what works for you. Now keep to yourself, don't fuck up this awesome for drug companies treating venereal diseases stimulus package.

Full disclosure, I am surrounded by women. Weither they are friends, sisters, a mom, cousins, aunts or one night stands. I love them all ni some way or another but they're all wonderfully and entertainingly fucking nuts. You definitely don't have half the brain we do, in fact you're much smarter than we are on average but my god are you ever less efficient with it all.

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