Sunday, February 15, 2009

drug me now, fix me never

Hank Arron once said that he felt vitamins were ruining the sport of baseball. No I don't have the exact quote, google that for yourself you twit! While you are at it you should also verify this next gem of verbal discourse from an infallibly intelligent and widely regarded as brilliant man, Chris Rock. - "The money isn't in the cure, its in the treatment."

The medical world has given us incredible advances in surviving the terrors within our bodies too small to see. The once great plague of smallpox has been cured along with polio, measles, often times the common cold, even acne and crooked teeth. As a result of all this life and world changing progress we have come to trust in the system that has historically saved the lives of so many. But outside of the ER where there is a clarity and focus of immediate life saving technology and practice, have the medical circles lost track of the end goal?

I just watched a commercial for Ambien CR which stated in its advertising "Ask your perscriber about Ambien CR". Sounds fair enough, ask a doctor about a drug a private company is selling...fair enough. But notice the word choice, they didn't use the term doctor but rather prescriber. Now I've been through enough marketing classes to know, just as everything in advertising, this is no mistake. Its meant to convey a feeling that this is something you can get form a multitude of places, easily. Granted this is just a sleep aid but it illustrates a larger problem of doping up america for the sake of higher profits. If you are disagreeing with me then you probably aren't getting laid and often experience the horrible realities of Restless Leg Syndrome.

We treat such disorders that have no true quantifying tests of diagnosis with pills that are not fully understood how they work. Example: every AD(H)D medication on the market other than a play pin. Yet salmonella has spread through the food chain to my vegetables. Whats gives FDA?

Why do I need every ache, pain, and somewhat odd emotion tamed or transfered to something else via the ever present side-effect? F it all, I'm going for a long run and I hope I'm sore the next day, I like that feeling, it makes me feel alive and well. Advertise that you schmucks of industry.

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