Monday, June 30, 2008

An Update

Your last cube monkey has left the building....ala Elvis. June 6th was actually my last day of official employment but I had really checked out far earlier then that...thanks for the paychecks anyway. The funny thing is they did the exact same thing to me as the other cube monkey; not paying me the full amount I had worked. I sent a few emails and lets just say they more then fixed the problem, kudos to them for being dumbasses.

After 8 months working in the cesspool of HR, PR, ethics and human waste its great to be back in a normal work environment. Its wonderful not getting updates on employees I don't know and don't care about, incredible not getting reminders of how long lunch is suppose to be and simply amazing not forcing a fake smile for 9 hours a day while I try not to start a merciless fight with every not so innocent co-worker I can find. Work place violence is not always a good thing, I understand that, but christ I can see how it happens.

I always told my fellow cube monkeys we were worth a hell of a lot more then what they wanted us to believe. Maybe not for dialing numbers and talking to the bottom feeders of the world but as humans with our level of intelligence we were settling for far too little. And get this, I was right, within 2 weeks of leaving I had job offers all better then what I was earning previously. Same holds true for the other monkeys, no longer are we settling for Plan F,G or H it was back to the standard A and B.

I think these blog posts are a lot funnier when one of us is royally pissed off and uses this to vent but I guess recently there hasn't been as much of a need for it. I guess I'll just decide to unleash my anger on something less deserving.....stay tuned